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許家馨 Jimmy Chia-Shin Hsu

許家馨Jimmy Chia-Shin Hsu

Current Appointment

Research Professor, Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica

Education & Experiences

J.S.D., The University of Chicago Law School (2009)
LL.M., The University of Chicago Law School (2003)
LL.M., National Chengchi University (1999)
LL.B., National Taiwan University (1996)

Research Fields

Legal Theory; Constitutional Law; Freedom of Speech and the Press; Democratic Theory; Democratization and the Public Sphere; philosophy of punishment

Other Information

Date of First Appointment:07/29/2008
Research Assistant:Yun-Chung Lin |+886-2-2652-5443 |

Research Description

Jimmy Chia-Shin Hsu is Research Professor of IIAS. His research interests include legal philosophy, comparative constitutional law, philosophy of human rights, and transitional justice/ethics of historical memory. His recent research themes include right to life in Asia, human dignity as a legal and philosophical concept in Asia, judicial responses to civil disobedience in Taiwan and Hong Kong, and the discourse on reconciliation in Taiwan’s transitional justice discourse. My research in the future will center on three major themes. Frist, upon investigation of the evolution of human rights thoughts since WWII through the 70s and 80s up to the present, I intend to inspect human rights development in East Asia and its philosophical foundations. Second, based on the rich body of court decisions dealing with civil disobedience in Taiwan, I will theorize Taiwan’s extraordinary experience in the context of its polarized democratic politics, and use it to enrich contemporary legal theories. Third, I will analyze the conflict of historical memories in Taiwan and its challenges to transitional justice. Further, I will use Taiwan’s experience to contribute to transitional justice, historical memory, reconciliation studies literature in general.

Journal Articles

  • 許家馨,2022,〈民主與法治下的抵抗與不服從: 最高法院109年度台上字第3695號刑事判決的法哲學反思〉,《台北大學法學論叢》,124期, 1-110。(TSSCI) Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 許家馨著,2022,〈跨國憲法對話中的生命權與死刑〉,《東吳公法論叢》,13卷, 45-88。
  • Jimmy Chia-Shin Hsu, 2021, “Right to Life and Capital Punishment in Transnational Judicial Dialogue”, Asian Journal of Comparative Law, First view publication, 1-27. (Scopus, Scimago) Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Yun-chien Chang*, Han-wei Ho, Jimmy Chia-Shin Hsu, 2016, “Non-pecuniary Damages for Defamation, Personal Injury and Wrongful Death: An Empirical Analysis of Court Cases in Taiwan”, The Chinese Journal of Comparative Law, 4(1), 69-97. (Oxford Open) Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Jimmy Chia-Shin Hsu, 2015, “Does Communicative Retributivism Necessarily Negate Capital Punishment?”, Criminal Law and Philosophy, 9 (4), 603-617. (Scopus, EBSCO, ERIH, OCLC, SCImago,) Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 許家馨, 2015, “應報、憐憫與死刑:回應三篇評論文”, 中研院法學期刊, 17期,頁403-422. (TSSCI) Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 許家馨,2014,〈從「接受論證」到「深層內在觀點」--評莊世同「法律的概念與法律規範性的來源--重省哈特的接受論證」〉,《中研院法學期刊》,14期,頁375-386。(TSSCI) Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 許家馨,2014,〈當公眾人物的名譽權遇上言論自由:以民事責任為中心〉,《法官協會雜誌》,16卷,頁140-157。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Weitseng Chen, Jimmy Chia-Shin Hsu, 2014, “Horizontal Accountability in a Polarised New Democracy: The Case of Post-Democratisation Taiwan”, Australian Journal of Asian Law, Vol.15, No.2, Article 4, 1-19. (SSRN) Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 許家馨, 2014, “應報即復仇?當代應報理論及其對死刑之意涵初探”, 中研院法學期刊, 15, 207-282. (TSSCI) Relevant Links(open new window)
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Book Chapters

  • 許家馨,2024,〈導論:從轉型正義的反思到歷史記憶的倫理〉,許家馨編,《歷史記憶的倫理:從轉型正義到超克過去》,頁1-72,臺北市:台大出版中心。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 許家馨,2024,〈對當代台灣政治論述中「和解」概念的初步反思〉,許家馨編,《歷史記憶的倫理:從轉型正義到超克過去》,頁377-414,臺北市:台大出版中心。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Jimmy Chia-Shin Hsu, 2024, “The Right to Life”(生命權), editor(s): David S. Law, Holning Lau, and Alex Schwartz, Oxford Handbook of Constitutional Law in Asia, pp. 14, New York: Oxford University Press. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Jimmy Chia-Shin Hsu, 2022, “Introduction: Human Dignity, Human Rights, and Cultural Change in Asia”, editor(s): Jimmy Chia-Shin Hsu, Human Dignity in Asia: Dialogue between Law and Culture, pp. 20, New York: Cambridge University Press. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Jimmy Chia-Shin Hsu, 2022, “Human Dignity in the Jurisprudence of Taiwan Constitutional Court”, editor(s): Jimmy Chia-Shin Hsu, Human Dignity in Asia: Dialogue between Law and Culture, pp. 23, New York: Cambridge University Press. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 許家馨, 陳冠廷,2021,〈「歷史記憶的倫理」研究計畫學思歷程〉,李建良編,《研之得法: 中央研究院法律學研究所成立十周年文集》,頁13,臺北市:中央研究院法律學研究所。
  • Jimmy Chia-Shin Hsu & Anne S.Y. Cheung, 2021, “The Ultimate Test of Fidelity: Judicial Responses to Civil Disobedience in Hong Kong and Taiwan”, editor(s): Brian Christopher Jones, Democracy and Rule of Law in China's Shadow, pp. 33, Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Weitseng Chen, Jimmy Chia-Shin Hsu, 2016, “Horizontal Accountability and the Rule of Law”, editor(s): Yun-han Chu, Larry Diamond, and Kharis Templeman, Taiwan’s Democracy Challenged: The Chen Shui-bian Years, pp. 145-172, Boulder, Colorado, USA: Lynne Rienner.
  • 許家馨,2015,〈許家馨大法官部分不同部分協同意見書〉,台北律師公會編,《放棄死刑走向文明》,頁175-212,台北:新學林。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 許家馨,2013,〈民刑誹謗二元體系之形成與分析: 以「故意過失」為中心的實證研究〉,張永健編,《2011司法制度實證研究》,頁147-220,台北:中央研究院法律學研究所。 Relevant Links(open new window)

Conference Papers

  • Jimmy Chia-Shin Hsu, 2023, “Human dignity, human rights, and cultural change in Asia”, 20 pages, paper presented at International Society of Public Law Annual Meeting (ICON-S), University of Wellington, New Zealand: International Society of Public Law, 2023-07-03 ~ 2023-07-05.
  • Jimmy Chia-Shin Hsu, 2023, “The Challenges of Post-Transitional Justice in Taiwan”, 21 pages, paper presented at The University of Washington and the University of Nottingham Taiwan Studies Programme Joint Conference, The University of Nottingham: The University of Washington and the University of Nottingham, 2023-06-15 ~ 2023-06-16.
  • 許家馨,2021,〈民主與法治下的抵抗與不服從: 最高法院109年度台上字第3695號刑事判決的法哲學反思〉,共28頁,發表於「論法理、憲法與刑法之間」學術研討會,台大法律學院霖澤館一樓國際會議廳:中央研究院法律學研究所、韓忠謨教授法學基金會,2021-05-08。
  • 許家馨,2020,〈反思當代台灣政治論述的「和解」概念〉,共23頁,發表於「歷史記憶的倫理」學術研討會,中研院人社大樓三樓第一會議室:中央研究院法律學研究所,2020-11-26 ~ 2020-11-27。
  • 許家馨,2020,〈「人性尊嚴」概念思想史初探〉,共18頁,發表於法律與宗教研討會暨第六回法理學研討會,東吳大學城中校區:東吳大學法學院法律與宗教研究中心,2020-06-08。
  • 許家馨, 2019, “國家安全、言論自由與民主的理想與現實”, 11 pages, paper presented at 中華民國憲法學會民國108年年會暨學術研討會, 臺灣大學社會科學院: 中華民國憲法學會, 2019-12-21.
  • Jimmy Chia-Shin Hsu, 2019, “Dignity, Life, and the per se Challenge to Capital Punishment”, 31 pages, paper presented at The Eighth Asian Constitutional Law Forum, Vietnam National University: Vietnam National University, 2019-12-06 ~ 2019-12-07.
  • 許家馨, 2019, “尊嚴、生命權與死刑:一個比較憲法上的分析”, 31 pages, paper presented at 2019年北京大學海峽兩岸暨港澳法律發展學術研討會, 北京大學法學院凱原樓: 北京大學法學院, 2019-10-25 ~ 2019-10-26.
  • Jimmy Chia-Shin Hsu, 2019, “Human dignity in the jurisprudence of Taiwan Constitutional Court”, 21 pages, paper presented at 2019 IVR World Congress, University of Lucerne, Switzerland: International Association of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, 2019-07-07 ~ 2019-07-13.
  • Jimmy Chia-Shin Hsu, 2019, “Human Dignity from an Asian Perspective”, 15 pages, paper presented at 2019 Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, Grand Hyatt Hotel, Washington D.C.: Law and Society Association, 2019-05-29 ~ 2019-06-02.


  • 許家馨,2024,〈111年度憲民字第904052號聲請案及相關併案(死刑違憲)專家諮詢意見書〉,《司法院憲法法庭網站》。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 許家馨,2023,〈憲法法庭110年度憲二字第247號等專家諮詢意見書(刑法誹謗罪是否違憲)〉(Expert Advisory Opinion to the Taiwan Constitutional Court on the Cases Regarding the Constitutionality of Criminal Libel),《司法院憲法法庭網站》。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 許家馨,2019,〈未竟的轉型?失落的正義?〉,《校園雜誌》。
  • 許家馨、蘇慧婕, 2015, “謠言、言論自由和公共領域─從 Cass Sunstein 的民主理論與公民共和主義談起”, 哲學星期五. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 許宗力、許家馨、周舒雁、李念祖, 2014, “言論自由與言論責任--當公眾人物名譽權遇上言論自由(座談會紀錄)”, 法官協會雜誌, 16卷,頁2-31. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 許家馨, 2014, “從公共信仰看媒體與民主”, 台灣醒報, 2014年9月3日. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 許家馨,2014,〈信仰與民主:從太陽花運動出發談台灣民主的前景〉,《校園雜誌》,2014年5,6月號。
  • 黃昭元、蔡宗珍、許家馨、薛智仁,2014,〈靜坐與強制罪、妨害公務罪:公民抗議的憲法保障與法律界限〉,《台灣法學雜誌》,240期,頁1-22。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 吳豪人、謝世民、王鵬翔、許家馨、莊世同,2013,〈最後「正義的大敘事」巨匠:紀念德沃金學術座談會〉,《台灣法學期刊》,第234期,頁67-80、第235期,頁87-101。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 張娟芬、許家馨, 2010, “站在不被信任的天平上”, 人籟論辯月刊, 74期. Relevant Links(open new window)
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  • Jimmy Chiashin Hsu, 2009, “Free Speech and Democratic Consolidation in a Dvided Polity: Taiwan's Politics of Rumors and Laws of Defamation, 2000-2008”, 332 pages, The Law School, The University of Chicago.

Edited Books

  • 許家馨,2024,《歷史記憶的倫理:從轉型正義到超克過去》,共540頁,臺北市:台大出版中心。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Jimmy Chia-Shin Hsu, 2022, Human Dignity in Asia: Dialogue between Law and Culture, 386 pages, New York: Cambridge University Press. Relevant Links(open new window)

Book Review

  • Jimmy Chiashin Hsu, 2010, “Book review: Political foundations of judicial supremacy: The presidency, the supreme court, and constitutional leadership in U.S. history by Keith E. Whittington”, East Asian Law Journal, 1(1), 159-163.
  • 許家馨,2000,〈評王伯琦先生著《近代法律思潮與中國固有文化》〉,《法制史研究》,創刊號, 頁165-182。