陳舜伶 Shun-Ling Chen

陳舜伶Shun-Ling Chen




美國哈佛大學法學博士(S.J.D., 2013)
美國哈佛大學法學碩士(LL.M., 2005)
國立台灣大學法學碩士(LL.M., 2002)
國立台灣大學法學士(LL.B., 1999)






  • Dick Kasperowski , Anna Berti Suman, Shun-Ling Chen, Christopher Kullenberg, 2023, “Where Environmental Citizen Science Meets the Law”, Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 8(1), 8. 相關連結(另開新視窗)
  • Fa-ti Fan, Shun-Ling Chen, 2019, “Citizen, Science, and Citizen Science”, East Asian Science, Technology and Society, 13(2), 181-193. 相關連結(另開新視窗)
  • Fa-ti Fan, Shun-Ling Chen, Chia-Liang Kao, Michelle Murphy, Matt Price, Liz Barry, 2019, “Citizens, Politics, and Civic Technology: A Conversation with g0v and EDGI”, East Asian Science, Technology and Society, 13(2), 279-297. 相關連結(另開新視窗)
  • Chen Shun-Ling, 2019, “How Empowering Is Citizen Science? Access, Credits, and Governance for the Crowd”, East Asian Science, Technology and Society, 13(2), 215-234. 相關連結(另開新視窗)
  • Shun-Ling Chen, 2018, “What’s in a Name? – Facebook’s Real Name Policy and User Privacy”, Kansas Journal of Law and Public Policy, 28(Fall), 146. 相關連結(另開新視窗)
  • Shun-Ling Chen, 2017, “Sampling as a Secondary Orality Practice and Copyright's Technological Biases”, Journal of High Technology Law, XVII(2), 206-272. 相關連結(另開新視窗)
  • 廖漢騰、陳舜伶、鄧東坡,2015,〈國家代碼、分類及名稱的國際標準 : 比較聯合國 M.49 和萬國碼聯盟通用區域資料庫 CLDR〉,《國土及公共治理季刊》,3(4), 61-71。 相關連結(另開新視窗)
  • Shun-Ling Chen, 2015, “Exposing Professionalism in United States Copyright Law: The Disenfranchised Lay Public in a Semiotic Democracy”, University of San Francisco Law Review, 49(1), 57-121. 相關連結(另開新視窗)
  • Shun-Ling Chen, 2011, “Collaborative Authorship: From Folklore to the Wikiborg”, University of Illinois Journal of Law, Technology and Policy, 131-167. 相關連結(另開新視窗)
  • Shun-Ling Chen, 2010, “Self-governing online communities in Web 2.0: Privacy, anonymity and accountability in Wikipedia”, Albany Law Journal of Science and Technology, 421-432.
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  • Shun-Ling Chen, Yu-Ling Huang, 2024, “Zero-Covid, Digital Pandemic Control Measures and the Making of the Public Health State in Taiwan”, editor(s): Ming-Cheng Lo, Michael Shiyung Liu, Yu-Yueh Tsai, Taiwan’s COVID-19 Experience: Governance, Governmentality, and the Global Pandemic, pp. 91-112, London: Routledge.
  • Shun-Ling Chen, accepted, “Reopening the Politics of Openness in the Age of Cloud Computing: Reflections on Recent FOSS Relicensing”, editor(s): Jeffery Yost, Gerardo Con Diaz, Just Code.
  • Kuo-Wei Wu, Shun-Ling Chen, Po-Ren Chiang, 2021, “"Open with Caution": How Taiwan Approaches Platform Governance in the Global Market and Geopolitics”, editor(s): Judit Bayer, Bernd Holznagel, Paivi Korpisaari, Lorna Woods, Perspectives on Platform Regulation: Concepts and Models of Social Media Governance Across the Globe, pp. 165-186, Baden-Baden: Nomos. 相關連結(另開新視窗)
  • 陳舜伶,2020,〈「自由」的百科全書:從維基百科看網路社群自治與網路言論審查〉,趙恩潔編,《南方的社會・學》,頁271-296,台灣:左岸文化。
  • 陳舜伶,2019,〈網路與國家監控 資訊服務中介者的角色、功能與作為〉,黃應貴、林開世編,《政治的消融與萌生:新自由主義國家的治理效應》,頁146-190,台北市:群學。
  • Shun-Ling Chen, 2017, “Art-iculating the Indigenous Nations and Its Struggles - Pangcah as a Case of Indigenous Movement in Taiwan”, editor(s): Sungmoon Kim, Hsin-wen Lee, Reimagining Nation and Nationalism in Multicultural East Asia, pp. 199-220, London: Routledge.
  • Shun-Ling Chen,2016,〈數位時代對耗盡原則的挑戰:以美國法為中心〉(The Digital Challenge for the Exhaustion Doctrine in American Copyright Law (in Chinese) ),司法院編,《智慧財產訴訟制度相關論文彙編第5輯 (Intellectual Property Litigation System Vol 5)》,頁261-296,台北市:司法院。
  • Shun-Ling Chen, 2011, “The Wikimedia Foundation and the Self-governing Wikipedia Community – A Dynamic Relationship under Constant Negotiation”, editor(s): Geert Lovink, Nathaniel Tkacz, Critical Point of View: A Reader, Institute of Network Culture, pp. 351-369, Netherlands: Institute of Network Cultures.
  • Shun-Ling Chen, 2008, “The Tsou (Taiwan), a case study in Addressing the Land Claims of Indigenous Peoples”, editor(s): Lawrence Susskind, Isabelle Anguelovski, Program on Human Rights and Injustice, pp. 93-97, Cambridge Massachusetts: MIT.
  • Shun-Ling Chen, 2007, “Freedom as in a Self-sustainable Community: The Free Software Movement and its Challenge to Copyright Law”, editor(s): Cushla Capitzke and Michael A Peters, Global Knowledge Cultures, pp. 161-174, Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
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  • 陳舜伶,2023,〈數位治理對象的多重想像:以台灣基於健康資料之數位治理為例〉,發表於第九屆科技發展與法律規範學術研討會:資料治理與以資料進行治理,台北:中研院法律所,2023-12-15。
  • Shun-Ling Chen, 2023, “Government Data Management - Lessons from the US Evidence Act and Beyond”, paper presented at 台灣人工智慧年會, 台北: 台灣人工智慧學校, 2023-09-16.
  • Shun-Ling Chen,2023,〈Digital COVID-19 Surveillance in Taiwan〉,發表於數位時代資料治理工作坊,台北:中研院法律所資訊法中心,2023-08-28。
  • Shun-Ling Chen,2022,〈A Gold Standard for Contact Tracing? Reflections on the 1922 SMS〉,發表於資訊科技防疫與人權挑戰國際研討會,台北:監察院、中研院法律所資訊法中心,2022-11-23。
  • Shun-Ling Chen, 2022, “Imaginaries of Smart Cities and Some Reality Checks from Taiwan”, paper presented at 2022 Seminar on Ethics and Law and AI: Information, Healthcare and Smart City Governance, 線上: Taiwan AICoE, 2022-07-26.
  • 陳舜伶,2022,〈以簡訊實聯制為例看資料開放與課責性問題〉,發表於政府因應社會數位轉型之治理挑戰與制度性回應,線上研討會:中興大學,2022-05-13。
  • Shun-Ling Chen, Yu-Ling Huang, 2022, “Taiwan as a model for digital democracy? Pervasive digital covid measures and the making of the public health state”, paper presented at Covid Governance in Taiwan and across the Globe, Taipei, Taiwan: Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, 2022-01-26 ~ 2022-01-27.
  • 陳舜伶,2021,〈智慧政府的課責性問題〉,發表於智慧政府之法制課題,台北:中研院法律所,2021-12-09。
  • Shun-Ling Chen, 2021, “Covid-tech in Taiwan - An Overview”, paper presented at Taiwan Internet Governance Forum (Digital Human Rights in Times of the Covid-19 Pandemic), Teipei: TWIFG, 2021-12-31.
  • Shun-Ling Chen, Yu-Ling Huang, 2021, “Big Data as a Metaphor: Digital Technologies and Taiwan's Covid-19 Responses”, paper presented at Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), Toronto (online): Society for Social Studies of Science, 2021-10-06 ~ 2021-10-09.
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  • 陳舜伶、姜柏任、Cathy Lee,2022,〈簡訊實聯制觀察筆記(四):防疫實益與總結〉,《中研院資訊法中心網站》。 相關連結(另開新視窗)
  • 陳舜伶、姜柏任、Cathy Lee,2022,〈簡訊實聯制觀察筆記(三):用量變化因素與裁罰爭議〉,《中研院資訊法中心網站》。 相關連結(另開新視窗)
  • 陳舜伶、姜柏任、Cathy Lee、趙一穎,2022,〈簡訊實聯制觀察筆記(二):統計資料來源比較與開放性問題〉,《中研院資訊法中心網站》。 相關連結(另開新視窗)
  • 陳舜伶、姜柏任、Cathy Lee、趙一穎,2022,〈簡訊實聯制觀察筆記(一):法規背景與使用趨勢〉,《中研院資訊法中心網站》。 相關連結(另開新視窗)
  • 陳舜伶,2020,〈書評回應〉,《考古人類學刊》,92, 145-146。


  • Shun-Ling Chen, 2013, “The Haunting Author in the Distribution of Ownership and Authority: An exploration through Collaborative Cultural Production”, Harvard Law School, Harvard University.
  • Shun-Ling Chen, 2005, “Power struggle through rhetoric : free software movement and its challenge to the copyright regi”, 88 pages, Harvard Law School, Harvard University.
  • 陳舜伶,2002,〈原住民族運動「權利法制化」進路的困局--兼論建構中的台灣原住民族自治〉,法律學系研究所,國立台灣大學。


  • Shun-Ling Chen, 2022, “Review of Joshua C. Gellers, Rights for Robots: Artificial Intelligence, Animal and Environmental Law”, International Journal of Constitutional Law, 20, 00-00. 相關連結(另開新視窗)
  • Shun-Ling Chen, 2018, “Kanjian bujie zhi wu: Gongye shehui zhong zhishi quanwei de wenhua shizuo 看見不潔之物︰工業社會中知識權威的文化實作 [Bad Stuff in Your Food and Other Pressing Matters: Cultural Practices in Institutionalized Epistemic Authorities in the Industrial Society]”, East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal, 11, 1-4. 相關連結(另開新視窗)