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吳宗謀 Tzung-Mou Wu

吳宗謀Tzung-Mou Wu

Current Appointment

Associate Research Professor, Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica

Education & Experiences

Docteur en droit et sciences sociales, Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS) and Università degli studi “Roma Tre”(2011)
Master of Law, National Taiwan University (2004)
DEA/ Master “La Personne dans le droit”. Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne and EHESS (2002)
Bachelor of Law, National Taiwan University (1999)

Research Fields

Legal History

Other Information

Date of First Appointment:03/31/2011

Research Description

I study the nineteenth-century and early-twentieth-century French and German law and jurisprudence, their historiography, East Asia's borrowing of Western law, and legal history's relevance to contemporary political and policy issues. I emphasize the legislative aspect of lawyer's participation in public affairs. In different languages, I have published on legal persons, customary law in the context of indigenous empowerment, rural land management and depopulation in East Asia, and Taiwan's judicial reform. In addition, I have written op-ed and blog pieces on reform projects concerning same-sex couples, Republican Chinese regime's rule of Taiwan and its legacy, and the history of foie gras. 


Journal Articles

  • Tzung-Mou Wu, 2024, “Taiwan (Länderbericht)”(Country Report: Taiwan), Zeitschrift für Neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 46(3/4), 279-289. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 吳宗謀,2017,〈實踐導向的法律史研究:運用歐洲法律史知識書寫臺灣原住民族傳統規範的可能性〉,《臺灣原住民族法學》,第2卷第1期,頁61-72。
  • Tzung-Mou Wu, 2016, “Legal History in Action: Laying Down Indigenous Customs in Writing. An Introduction”, Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Journal of the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, 24, 219-221. (Scopus, IFLP, ERIH PLUS) Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Tzung-Mou Wu, 2016, “Western Legal Traditions for "Laying Down Taiwan’s Indigenous Customs in Writing"”, Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Journal of the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, 24, 222-233. (Scopus, IFLP, ERIH PLUS) Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Tzung-Mou Wu, 2014, “Christian Wolff, "persona moralis" y "homo moralis" : una relectura”(Christian Wolff, "persona moralis" and "homo moralis": a reinterpretation), Glossae: European Journal of Legal History, 11, 143-168. (HeinOnline) Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 吳宗謀,2013,〈新瓶不能裝舊酒--從persona到person的動詞問題〉(Lost in Translation: The Verbal Change from Persona to Person),《北大法律評論》,第14卷第1期,頁86-97。(CSSCI)
  • Tzung-Mou Wu, 2010, “Lost in Translation: The Verbal Change from Persona to Person”, Comparative Legilinguistics, 3, 141-151. (Linguistic Bibliography) Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 吳宗謀,2003,〈軍事機關與秘密保護法制-以國家機密保護法為中心〉,《軍法專刊》,第49卷第12期,頁20-35。

Book Chapters

  • 吳宗謀,2024,〈法律學門「法律史」 20年之回顧與評析〉(Review and Critique: ‘Legal History’ of the Legal Discipline in the Last Twenty Years),詹鎮榮、劉靜怡、邱文聰編,《法律學研究成果回顧與社會影響性2001-2020(上)》,頁38-73,台北:元照。
  • 慕瑟希,商奕璠譯,2024,〈導讀〉(Introductory Remarks),吳宗謀()編,理性與公平:在歐洲建構正義,從中世紀教會法到《歐洲人權公約》,頁iii-xvii,台北:國立臺灣大學出版中心。
  • Tzung-Mou Wu, 2021, “How Government Jurists and Lawyering Approached the “Positivizing” of the Law in China?”(政府法律人員及法制工作與中國的法律「實證化」), editor(s): Baudouin Dupret, Jean-Louis Halpérin, State Law and Legal Positivism: The Global Rise of a New Paradigm, pp. 178-214, Leiden: Brill. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 吳宗謀,2021,〈蘇俊雄文書介紹〉(On the Papers of Jyun-Hsiung Su),李建良編,《研之得法─中央研究院法律學研究所成立十週年文集》,頁627-637,台北:元照出版公司。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Tzung-Mou Wu, 2021, “Contrepoint anthropologique : « L’Ouest et le reste »”(人類學視角的回應:「西方與其他」), editor(s): Mireille Delmas-Marty, Kathia Martin-Chenut, Camila Perruso, Sur les chemins d'un jus commune universalisable, pp. 441-448, Paris: Mare & Martin. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Tzung-Mou Wu, 2020, “The long century of Taiwan’s Westernized justice system: Historicizing the dynamics of her judicial reform of 1999”(百餘年來台灣的西方化司法體制:1999年台灣司法改革動能的歷史分析), editor(s): Chisholm, Neil M., Judicial Reform in Taiwan: Democratization and the Diffusion of Law, pp. 38-67, London: Routledge. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 雅各.韋爾捷思,陳盈雪、陳郁雯(校訂)譯,2018,〈導讀〉(Introduction),雅各.韋爾捷思編,《誤判:法國冤案事件簿》,頁(23)-(50),台北:新學林。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 呉 宗謀, 2018, “土地法における権利と登記制度--国際比較の観点から”(Titles and Registration System in Land Law: From A Comparative Perspective (Japanese)), editor(s): 飯國芳明、程 明修、金 泰坤、松本充郎, 土地所有権の空洞化: 東アジアからの人口論的展望, pp. 298-318, 京都市: ナカニシヤ出版.
  • Tzung-Mou Wu, 2010, “Le "collectif" dans le langage juridique et le débat sur la personnalité juridique”, editor(s): Laurence Kaufmann, Danny Trom, Qu'est-ce qu'un collectif ? Du commun au politique, pp. 53-73, Paris: Editions EHESS. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Tzung-Mou Wu, 2008, “Escarra, Jean”, editor(s): Olivier Cayla, Jean-Louis Halpérin, Dictionnaire des grandes oeuvres juridiques, pp. 171-179, Paris: Dalloz.

Conference Papers

  • Tzung-Mou Wu, 2021, “La rédaction des coutumes à Taïwan : état des lieux”, 8 pages, paper presented at Mettre par écrit les coutumes : Approches philosophiques, anthropologiques, linguistiques, historiques et comparatives, Rennes, France: IODE, UMR CNRS 6262, 2021-11-24 ~ 2021-11-25. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Tzung-Mou Wu, 2019, “Irrigation Groups and Land Survey in Japanese Formosa: Focus on Infrastructure-related Rights”(日治台灣的灌溉團體與土地調查:聚焦於與基礎設施相關的權利), 18 pages, paper presented at ALSA 2019 4th Annual Conference, Osaka, Japan: Osaka University, 2019-12-12 ~ 2019-12-15.
  • Tzung-Mou Wu, 2018, “On Taiwan’s Feedback to Comparative Law: A Legal Historical Point of View”, paper presented at The 3rd World Congress of Taiwan Studies, Taipei, Taiwan: Academia Sinica, 2018-09-06 ~ 2018-09-08.
  • 吳宗謀,2017,〈兩個/太「司法」的司法改革:一個法律史觀點〉(Two/Too ''Judicial'' Judicial Reform: A Legal Historical Perspective),共13頁,發表於2017年兩岸四地法律發展學術研討會,香港:香港大學:香港大學法學院,2017-11-02 ~ 2017-11-03。
  • 吳宗謀,2017,〈習慣立法或移風易俗?西方法律史學觀點的反思〉,共14頁,發表於法律與歷史的交匯:「台灣法律史二十年」國際學術研討會,臺北:中央研究院:中央研究院法律學研究所,2017-11-30 ~ 2017-12-01。
  • 吳宗謀,2017,〈論原住民部落之公法人地位:解釋論或立法論〉(On the Indigenous "Tribe" as Public Entity or Legal Person: De lege lata or de lege ferenda?),共31頁,發表於改革與公民意識學術研討會,臺北:中央研究院:中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心政治思想研究專題中心,2017-06-15 ~ 2017-06-16。
  • 吳宗謀,2017,〈實踐導向的法律史研究:運用歐洲法律史知識書寫臺灣原住民族傳統規範的可能性〉,共18頁,發表於兩岸四地法律發展研討會,澳門:澳門大學法學院高級法律研究所,2017-01-21 ~ 2017-01-22。
  • 吳宗謀,2016,〈部落公法人制度開發芻議:最小限法人概念與漸進式開發策略〉(For the Development of the "Tribe" as Public Corporate Entity: A Minimalist Concept of Legal Personality and an Incremental Strategy),共23頁,發表於第7屆原住民族傳統習慣規範與國家法制研討會,臺北:國立臺灣大學法律學院:原住民族委員會,2016-10-29 ~ 2016-10-30。
  • Tzung-Mou Wu, 2016, “Comparative Legal History for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples”, 23 pages, paper presented at Fourth Biennial ESCLH Conference, Gdańsk, Poland: European Society of Comparative Legal History, University of Gdańsk, 2016-06-29 ~ 2016-07-01. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Tzung-Mou Wu, 2015, “Fight Fire with Fire: Writing Down Legal Customs of Taiwan's Indigenous Peoples with the History of Medieval Western Law”, 16 pages, paper presented at The 4th East Asian Law and Society Conference, Tokyo: Waseda University: Collaborative Research Network on East Asian Law and Society (CRN33), Law and Society Association (LSA), 2015-08-03 ~ 2015-08-07.
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Technical Reports

  • 吳宗謀,2022,〈專家諮詢意見書〉(Expert opinion),《憲法法庭111年憲判字第14號(110年度憲一字第2號聲請案)》,頁38。 Relevant Links(open new window)


  • 吳宗謀,2024,〈不只是土地問題的「永代借地權」:從淡水紅毛城談起〉("Perpetual Lease" is More Than A Land Issue: Tamsui's Fort San Domingo and Beyond),《歷史學柑仔店》。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 吳宗謀,2023,〈《我知道什麼?》:袖珍本雜談〉("Que sais-je?" : On Pocket Books),《歷史學柑仔店》。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 吳宗謀,2022,〈西方式法治在中國為何失敗?〉(Why the Rule of Law failed in China?),《歷史學柑仔店》。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 吳宗謀,2021,〈民主防衛法制的迫切課題〉(Forget About Sentencing, Focus on Surveillance),《蘋果日報》。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 吳宗謀,2021,〈拜託像個律師一樣治理城市〉(Remember You Are A Lawyer),《蘋果日報》。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 吳宗謀,2021,〈奴隸是什麼東西?〉(On Slave),《歷史學柑仔店》。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 吳宗謀,2020,〈拜託像個律師一樣領導國家〉(Remember You Are Lawyers),《蘋果日報》。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 吳宗謀,2020,〈民法也可以「一兆救台灣」〉(The Civil Code has its Role in the Trillion-dollar Stimulus Package),《蘋果日報》。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 吳宗謀,2020,〈防疫與修法都算陳時中帳上嗎〉(Let Shih-Chung Chen Focus On Disease Control, Not Legislation),《蘋果日報》。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 吳宗謀,2019,〈「戒嚴70」從何說起?〉(Why "the Seventieth Anniversary of the Declaration of Martial Law"?),《向光》,第1期 (創刊號),頁8-11。
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  • Tzung-Mou Wu, 2011, “"Personne" en droit civil français : 1804-1914”, 501 pages, Thèse européenne du doctorat "Cultures juridiques européennes", Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales, Università degli studi "Roma Tre". Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 吳宗謀,2004,〈再訪法人論爭—一個概念的考掘〉,共153頁,法律學研究所,國立臺灣大學。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Tzung-Mou Wu, 2002, “Germanisme dans le droit civil français. La Genossenschaftstheorie de Otto von Gierke à travers Raymond Saleilles”, 98, VIII pages, DEA/ Master "la Personne dans le Droit", Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales.

Edited Books

  • Tzung-Mou Wu, 2016, Fokus "Legal History in Action: Laying Down Indigenous Customs in Writing" in Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Journal of the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History 24 (2016), 108 pages, Frankfurt a. M.: Klostermann. Relevant Links(open new window)

Book Review

  • Tzung-Mou Wu, 2022, “Jean-Louis Thireau, Jus et Consuetudo. Recueil d’articles réunis en hommage, Paris (Classiques Garnier) 2020, 482 p. (Histoire du droit, 8), ISBN 978-2-406-09631-3, EUR 39,00”, Francia-Recensio, 2022/2, 1-3. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 吳宗謀,2012,〈作法--Bruno Latour在法國最高行政法院的民族誌書寫〉(Book Review [Latour, B. (2010). The Making of Law: An Ethnography of the Conseil d’Etat (M. Brilman & A. Pottage, Trans.). Cambridge: Polity.]),《中研院法學期刊》,第11期, 頁341-369。 Relevant Links(open new window)