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Associate Research Professor, Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica
Docteur en droit et sciences sociales, Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS) and Università degli studi “Roma Tre”(2011)
Master of Law, National Taiwan University (2004)
DEA/ Master “La Personne dans le droit”. Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne and EHESS (2002)
Bachelor of Law, National Taiwan University (1999)
Legal History
Date of First Appointment:03/31/2011
I study the nineteenth-century and early-twentieth-century French and German law and jurisprudence, their historiography, East Asia's borrowing of Western law, and legal history's relevance to contemporary political and policy issues. I emphasize the legislative aspect of lawyer's participation in public affairs. In different languages, I have published on legal persons, customary law in the context of indigenous empowerment, rural land management and depopulation in East Asia, and Taiwan's judicial reform. In addition, I have written op-ed and blog pieces on reform projects concerning same-sex couples, Republican Chinese regime's rule of Taiwan and its legacy, and the history of foie gras.