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蘇彥圖  Yen-Tu Su

蘇彥圖 Yen-Tu Su

Current Appointment

Research Professor, Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica

Education & Experiences

S.J.D., Harvard Law School (2010)
LL.M., Harvard Law School (2003)
LL.M., National Taiwan University (1998)
LL.B., National Taiwan University (1995)

Research Fields

The Law of Democracy; Democratic Theory; Constitutional Law; Constitutional Theory; Judicial Politics; Comparative Constitutional Law

Other Information

Date of First Appointment:05/21/2012
Personal Website:CV: (open in new window)
Research Assistant:Meng-Ting, Hsieh |+886-2-2652-5414 |

Journal Articles

  • 蘇彥圖,2024,〈公民發動之公民投票提案的票決前司法審查(III)— 當事人適格(The Pre-Election Judicial Review of Citizen-Initiated Ballot Propositions (III): On the Standing),《台灣法律人》,31, 54-71。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 蘇彥圖,2023,〈公民發動之公民投票提案的票決前司法審查(II)— 訴訟程序的制度選擇〉(The Pre-Election Judicial Review of Citizen-Initiated Ballot Propositions (II): On the Institutional Design of Adjudication Procedure),《台灣法律人》,22, 44-53。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 蘇彥圖,2022,〈基礎權利的憲法與政治:當代美國實體正當程序的憲法理論及其啟示〉(The Constitutional Law and Politics of Fundamental Rights: Lessons from the Substantive Due Process Jurisprudence in the Contemporary United States),《國立臺灣大學法學論叢》,51(4), 1385-1452。(TSSCI) Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 蘇彥圖,2022,〈鉅型憲政公民投票與台灣前途〉(Mega-Constitutional Referendums and the Future of Taiwan),《新世紀智庫論壇》,99-100, 56-63。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 蘇彥圖,2022,〈公民發動之公民投票提案的票決前司法審查(I)— 違憲爭議的可司法性〉(The Pre-Election Judicial Review of Citizen-Initiated Ballot Propositions (I): On the Justiciability of Issues of Constitutionality),《台灣法律人》,15, 21-34。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 蘇彥圖,2019,〈政治中的金錢知多少﹖台灣政治經費公開的法制評估〉(To What Extent Do We Know About Money in Politics? An Assessment of the Political Finance Disclosure Law in Taiwan),《選舉研究》,26(1), 1-30。(TSSCI, ACI) Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 蘇彥圖,2019,〈公民投票時間〉(Referendum Time),《憲政時代》,44(3), 237-267。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 蘇彥圖,2018,〈司法審查作為憲政工程──結構最小主義的提議〉(Judicial Review as Constitutional Engineering: A Structural Minimalist Approach),《中研院法學期刊》,22, 1-76。(TSSCI) Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 蘇彥圖,2017,〈民主改革的政治:困難與策略〉(The Politics of Democratic Reform: Difficulties and Strategies),《政治與社會哲學評論》,第60期,頁105-184。(TSSCI) Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Su, Yen-Tu, 2016, “The Partisan Ordering of Candidacies and the Pluralism of the Law of Democracy: The Case of Taiwan”, Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy, 15(1), 31-47. (Scopus, ESCI, Westlaw, IPSA) Relevant Links(open new window)
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Book Chapters

  • Lin, Chien-chih, Yen-tu Su, and Jau-yuan Hwang, 2023, “Taiwan”, editor(s): Luís Roberto, and Richard Albert, The International Review of Constitutional Reform 2022, pp. 301-303, Austin, TX: The Program on Constitutional Studies, University of Texas at Austin; the International Forum on the Future of Constitutionalism. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Su, Yen-Tu, 2023, “Legislative Yuan of Taiwan”, editor(s): Po Jen Yap, and Rehan Abeyratne, Routledge Handbook of Asian Parliaments, pp. 366-383, New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Su, Yen-tu, Chien-chih Lin, and Jau-yuan Hwang, 2022, “Taiwan”, editor(s): Luís Roberto, and Richard Albert, The International Review of Constitutional Reform 2021, pp. 221-224, Austin, TX: The Program on Constitutional Studies, University of Texas at Austin; the International Forum on the Future of Constitutionalism. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Su, Yen-tu, and Lin, Chien-chih, accepted, “Taiwan”, editor(s): David Law, Alex Schwartz, and Holning Lau, Oxford Handbook of Constitutional Law in Asia, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
  • 蘇彥圖,2021,〈民主運動的策略政治與憲政思辯﹕80年代台灣反對運動路線辯論的意義與影響〉(Strategic Politics and Constitutional Deliberation of Democratic Movement: A Reappraisal of the 1980s Opposition Movement Debate in Taiwan),國史館編,《威權鬆動─解嚴前臺灣重大政治案件與政治變遷(1977-1987)」國際學術討論會論文集》,頁191-228,台北:國史館。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 蘇彥圖,2021,〈政黨管制作為憲政工程〉(Party Regulation as Constitutional Engineering),李建良編,《研之得法-中央研究院法律學研究所成立十週年文集》,頁587-625,台北:中央研究院法律學研究所。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Su, Yen-Tu, 2020, “Angels Are in the Details: Voting System, Poll Workers, and Election Administration Integrity in Taiwan”, editor(s): Weitseng Chen, Hualing Fu, Authoritarian Legality in Asia: Formation, Development and Transition, pp. 280-302, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • Su, Yen-Tu, 2020, “Some Thoughts about the Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendment Doctrine, and Constitutional Dismemberment”, editor(s): The Clerk’s Office of the Taiwan Constitutional Court, In Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of Constitutional Interpretation 2018 International Conference, Taiwan Constitutional Court, Judicial Yuan, Conference Proceedings, pp. 267-275, Taipei, Taiwan: The Judicial Yuan.
  • Su, Yen-Tu, 2019, “Regime Unchanged: The Organization and Failed Reorganization of Taiwan’s Judicial Yuan”, editor(s): Neil Chisholm, Judicial Reform in Taiwan: Institutionalizing Democracy and the Diffusion of Law, pp. 104-126, New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Su, Yen-Tu, 2019, “Rights Advocacy Through Simulation: The Genius of the Constitutional Court Simulation in Taiwan”, editor(s): Jerome A. Cohen, William P. Alford and Chang-Fa Lo, Taiwan and International Human Rights: A Story of Transformation, pp. 289-304, Singapore: Springer.
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Conference Papers

  • Su, Yen-Tu, 2024, “Amendment Ratification Referendum and the Case of Taiwan”, paper presented at Edward Elgar Handbook in Constitutional Change Workshop, Dublin & Maynooth, Ireland: Trinity College Dublin & Maynooth University, 2024-07-03 ~ 2024-07-04.
  • Su, Yen-Tu, Han-Wei Ho and Chien-Chih Lin, 2024, “Old Habits, New Law, and the Quest for a More Productive Court: An Early Assessment of the Performance-Enhancing Effects of the Constitutional Court Procedure Act in Taiwan”, paper presented at ICON•S 2024 Annual Conference, Madrid, Spain: ICON•S, 2024-07-08 ~ 2024-07-10.
  • Su, Yen-Tu, 2023, “Before and After Reform: A Preliminary Assessment of the Impacts of the Constitutional Court Procedure Act on the Performance of the Taiwan Constitutional Court”, paper presented at Empirical Legal Studies in the Sinophone Region Conference, Cornell Law School, Ithaca, New York, U.S.A.: Clarke Program in East Asian Law & Culture, 2023-10-09 ~ 2023-10-10.
  • Su, Yen-Tu, 2023, “Mega-Politics Referendums”, paper presented at ICON•S 2023 Annual Conference, Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand: ICON•S, 2023-07-03 ~ 2023-07-05.
  • Su, Yen-Tu, 2021, “The Politics of Fundamental Rights: Lessons from Taiwan’s Path to Same-Sex Marriage”, paper presented at The Global Summit in Constitutionalism, online conference: The University of Texas at Austin School of Law, 2021-01-16.
  • 蘇彥圖,2020,〈民主運動的策略政治與憲政思辯:80年代台灣反對運動路線辯論的意義與影響〉,發表於「威權鬆動——解嚴前台灣重大政治案件與政治變遷(1977-1987)」國際學術討論會,國史館台北館區4樓大禮堂:國史館,2020-12-12 ~ 2020-12-13。
  • 蘇彥圖,2020,〈司法院釋字第80號解釋檔案分析報告〉,發表於「大法官與轉型正義—從9份解釋談起」學術研討會,國立台灣大學法律學院:促進轉型正義委員會,2020-09-28。
  • 蘇彥圖,2020,〈台灣國會區域選舉的競爭性﹕測量與評估〉,發表於法理學與民主﹕台灣法理學會年度學術研討會,國立臺北大學法律學院:國立臺北大學法律學院,2020-09-05。
  • 蘇彥圖,2019,〈美國聯邦最高法院審理流程概論〉,發表於司法院大法官108年度學術研討會,法官學院:法官學院,2019-12-07。
  • Su, Yen-Tu, 2019, “Transitional Justice and Political Compromise in Taiwan”, paper presented at ICON•S 2019 Annual Conference, Pontificia Universidad Católica De Chile, Santiago, Chile: ICON•S, 2019-07-01 ~ 2019-07-03.


  • Su, Yen-Tu and Yung-Djong Shaw, 2024, “Taiwan’s Constitutional Showdown: A Letter from Taipei”, VerfBlog. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 蘇彥圖,2024,〈111年度憲民字第4196號與112年度憲民字第383號等聲請案(禁止選前公布民調案)專家諮詢意見書〉,《憲法法庭/司法院大法官》。
  • Su, Yen-Tu, 2023, “Politics as Markets’ and Phantom Voter Laws”, Election Law Blog. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 蘇彥圖,2023,〈司法院大法官會台字第9433號聲請案專家諮詢意見書〉,《憲法法庭/司法院大法官》。
  • 蘇彥圖,2023,重新發現〈台灣共和國臨時憲法〉,《台灣民本主義》。
  • Su, Yen-Tu, 2022, “The Amendability of Taiwan’s Constitution is Put to the Test”, Constitutionnet, International IDEA. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 蘇彥圖,2022,〈重新思考制憲的政治〉,《新台灣國策智庫通訊》,107, 2-3。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 蘇彥圖,2021,〈在叛亂追訴上,普通法院檢察官別來亂——釋字第八十號解釋檔案〉,《奉命釋法:大法官與轉型正義》。
  • 蘇彥圖,2021,〈【澄社評論】公民投票的政黨政治〉,《蘋果日報》。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 蘇彥圖,2020,〈川普欲藉選舉爭訟翻盤 將成懸念〉,《蘋果日報》。 Relevant Links(open new window)

Book Review

  • 蘇彥圖,2013,〈自由人的中國研討課〉,《台灣法學雜誌》,第232期,頁221-224。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 蘇彥圖,2012,〈皇后的貞操—法治的迷思、偽善與其他可能(書評:All Judges Are Political Except When They Are Not: Acceptable Hypocrisies and the Rule of Law ﹝所有法官都是— 也都不是—政治的:可接受的偽善與法治﹞by Keith J. Bybee ﹝凱斯•貝比﹞ (Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 2010, Paperback, 177 pp., ISBN 978-0-8047-5312-8)〉,《台灣民主季刊》,第9卷第1期,頁245-254。 Relevant Links(open new window)