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楊雅雯 Ya-Wen Yang

楊雅雯Ya-Wen Yang

Current Appointment

Assistant Research Professor, Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica

Education & Experiences

PhD, SOAS, University of London
LLM, Cambridge University
LLM, Yale University
MSc in Political Theory, the London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London
LLM, National Taiwan University

Research Fields

Constitutional Theories, Equal Protection, Normative Democratic Theories, Citizenship Theories

Other Information

Date of First Appointment:05/01/2021

Research Description

My research interests lie in constitutional and political theories related to borders. I explore how individuals at the margins of borders, such as migrant workers, pose challenges to the legitimacy of the so-called liberal democratic constitutional order. Currently, I am working on two research projects: one explores how the 'human-rightisation' of international labour rights may affect the state's obligations regarding social and economic rights (funded by Taiwan's National Science Council); the other investigates whether and how the state employs human rights as a governance tool (funded by the EU Horizon).

In the long run, I view my research as a critical project on the theoretical foundations of equality law, asking why equality does not work for marginalised people and exploring ways to make it effective. Through this approach, I hope to shed light on the hidden assumptions of equality law and foster dialogues between normative political and social theories and legal practices.

Journal Articles

  • 楊雅雯,2024,〈雙重國籍是否有害忠誠?—二種國民忠誠觀與釋字第768號解釋的反思〉(Does Dual Citizenship Undermine Loyalty?—Two Constitutional Conceptions of Loyalty and Reflections on J.Y. Interpretation No. 768),《國立臺灣大學法學論叢》,53(1), 79-146。(TSSCI)
  • 楊雅雯,2022,〈工作權是國民權或人權?:從勞動權人權化之辯論與「能力進路」觀點反思工作權之定性〉(Is the Constitutional Right to Work a Right of Nationals or Everyone?: Revisiting the Debate through a Capabilities-Approach Response to Objections against Human-rightisation of Labour Rights),《國立臺灣大學法學論叢》,51(3), 537-615。(TSSCI)
  • Lee Po-Han, Yang Ya-Wen, Wu Harry Yi-Jui, Liu Wen, 2022, “‘The Future of Taiwan Studies in the Post-covid World’: Online Series on ‘covid and Governance: Global and Social Solidarity’, 31 July 2020”, International Journal of Taiwan Studies, 5, 165-180. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 楊雅雯,2021,〈跨越國境的勞動平權?—論勞動權利之平等保護面對「暫時性跨國移工制度」之侷限〉(Can Equal Protection for Workers as a Human Right Transcend State Borders? The Hard Case of the Temporary Migrant Worker Programme),《中研院法學期刊》,28, 211-285。(TSSCI) Relevant Links(open new window)

Book Chapters

  • 楊雅雯、劉恆妏,2021,〈耗時七天,打造萬年國會—釋字第三十一號解釋檔案〉,葉虹靈編,《奉命釋法:大法官與轉型正義》,頁153-188,臺北市:促進轉型正義委員會。
  • 楊雅雯,2021,〈萬年國會的動搖跡象—釋字第一五○號解釋檔案〉,葉虹靈編,《奉命釋法:大法官與轉型正義》,頁233-267,臺北市:促進轉型正義委員會。
  • Matt Liu, Tim Chou, Yawen Yang, 2014, “Taiwan”, editor(s): D. Daniel Sokol, Daniel Crane, Ariel Ezrachi, Global Antitrust Compliance Handbook, pp. 40, Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.

Conference Papers

  • Ya-Wen Yang, 2023, “Can the Constitutional Right to Identity Decolonize Settler Colonialism? Reflecting on Taiwan’s Case”, paper presented at 2023 ICON•S Annual Conference on “Islands and Ocean: Public Law in a Plural World”, Wellington, New Zealand: The International Society of Public Law, 2023-07-03 ~ 2023-07-05.
  • 楊雅雯,2023,〈墾殖殖民為何不正義?政治宰制、惡劣治理或領土掠奪〉,發表於「法律想像(Legal Imaginaries):跨界、跨域、跨文化的盲點與突破」研討會,臺灣,臺北市(國立政治大學綜合院館三樓演講廳):台灣法理學會、國立政治大學法律與社會研究中心、中央研究院法律學研究所,2023-05-12 ~ 2023-05-13。
  • 楊雅雯,2022,〈雙重國籍為何有害忠誠?—釋字第768號解釋之反思〉,發表於第十三屆憲法解釋之理論與實務研討會,臺灣,臺北市(中央研究院人文社會科學館):中央研究院法律學研究所,2022-08-09 ~ 2022-08-10。
  • 楊雅雯,2020,〈司法院釋字第150號解釋檔案分析報告〉,發表於「大法官與轉型正義—從9份解釋談起」學術研討會,臺灣,臺北市(國立臺灣大學法律學院):促進轉型正義委員會,2020-09-28。


  • 楊雅雯,2023,〈暫時性跨國移工制度為何是平等勞動保護的難題?——國際人權規範的限制與啟發〉,《中研院訊》。
  • 楊雅雯(節譯),2022,〈Eweida and Others v. the United Kigdom(受僱人佩戴宗教飾品或以宗教理由拒絕提供服務案)歐洲人權法院第四庭於2013/05/27之裁判〉,《歐洲人權法院裁判選譯(六)》。
  • 楊雅雯(節譯),2022,〈Khlaifia and Others v. Italy(拘留待遣返移徙者之正當程序、拘留條件與救濟途徑案)歐洲人權法院大法庭於2016/12/16之裁判〉,《歐洲人權法院裁判選譯(五)》。
  • 楊雅雯,2021,〈如果在冬夜,一個博後〉,《研之得法—中央研究院法律學研究所成立十週年文集》。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Ya-Wen Yang trans., 2020, “J.Y. Interpretation No. 601 (July 22, 2005), Deletion of the Budget Appropriated as a Specialized Payment for the Justices Case”, Leading Cases of the Taiwan Constitutional Court, Volume Three. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 楊雅雯(節譯),2013,〈Advisory Opinion(歐洲人權法院法官候選人提名名單之性別比例)歐洲人權法院大法庭於2008/2/12之諮詢意見〉,《歐洲人權法院裁判選譯(三)》。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 楊雅雯(節譯),2013,〈Burden v. the United Kingdom(英國對同居姊妹課徵遺產稅案)歐洲人權法院大法庭於2008/4/29之裁判〉,《歐洲人權法院裁判選譯(三)》。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 黃昭元、楊雅雯(節譯),2008,〈Supreme Holy Council of the Muslim Community v. Bulgaria(保加利亞穆斯林社群分裂案)歐洲人權法院大法庭於2004/12/16之裁判〉,《歐洲人權法院裁判選譯(一)》。 Relevant Links(open new window)


  • Ya-Wen Yang, 2019, “Towards Democratic Citizenship for Temporary Migrant Workers: A Non-domination Approach”.

Research Project Report

  • 陳宜倩、楊雅雯,2022,《行政院「性別變更要件法制化及立法建議」研究案》,行政院性別平等處委託。
  • 蘇慧婕、林春元、楊雅雯,2021,《法官使用社群媒體規範之研究》,司法院委託。